
Before you vote in the Auckland elections, you must read this!

It doesn't matter who you vote for as long as you are aware of this fact:

There are two communistic parties contesting the Auckland Elections - one lists itself as "The Communist League" and therefore at least deserves respect for honesty. The other hides its communistic beliefs behind the seemingly respectable name of "Residents Action Movement".


The "Residents Action Movement" is closely allied to the "Global Peace & Justice Auckland" movement, led by well-known, long-time Marxist & communist sypathiser, John Minto. Yes, that John Minto, a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist who still tries to propagate his communist agenda under the guise of "radical socialism" Link to joint protest by RAM and GPJA.

While we are loath to agree with right-wing-fundy-christians, Ian Wishart - Investigate Magazine - has an article outlining some of the links between the Residents' Action Movement and neo-communism. Link to article.

Most damning of all, however, are these words, taken from the official election brochure as forwarded to voters by the Returning Officer:


Note that this bunch of commie wankers intends to charge businesses more to make buses free! What happens when all the businesses move out of Auckland? Or is it to be hoped that the Great Communist Government takes over by then and stops those companies from going offshore?

This is bullshit worthy of V I Lenin and Iosef Stalin in 1920 - 1930 Russia! 

 Vote for RAM if you must, but please be aware that you're voting for a system which has been demonstrably proven to be unworkable almost a century ago and which is not possible in a stable society. That these clowns still promote this type of agenda nearly 20 years after the fall of the USSR is an obscene joke on the people of Auckland. RAM has one ARC councillor at present - Robyn Hughes - vote her out and stop this in its tracks now. These people can only damage Auckland, its international reputation and its long term future.

Alan Charman