Fuelstar does not work.

Q - Why on earth is a recruiter attacking Fuelstar?

A - because it doesn't work.

Unfortunately, many people, including some commercial carriers and a current cabinet Minister, suffer from confirmation bias or changed driving when the device is fitted and kid themselves into thinking it works. The bad news is, they're wrong and instead of saving money on running costs, they've just added to it, because not only does the device not work, it doesn't even not work - it sits and does nothing at all. University testing, almost entirely suppressed, has shown this to be the case time after time. The company claims to have sold hundreds of thousands of units to happy customers.

How many have been returned is unclear, although I will grant that the company offers a full refund for the life of the product. I strongly recommend that if you have bought one of these units that you ask for your money back now - because if you follow the investigation made into the device you can only come to the inescapable conclusion that it does not work and once purchasers realise that, the company has no future.

Fuelstar has one thing only going for it - the public support of Dr Jim Sprott. Jim is one of New Zealand's leading forensic scientists. Just like anyone else, Jim is capable of being wrong. In the case of his continued support for Fuelstar, he is.

Fuelstar resides behind enough pseudoscience to muddy the waters, but upon closer investigation, the facts are that Fuelstar does not work and that the company, its executive and advisors will not allow the device to be tested scientifically, either in a laboratory, a racetrack, or even at a beach! They have repeatedly been offered to have scientific tests done - at my expense - provided they will make the results public no matter what.

They continue to refuse that offer, despite the fact that a successful test would result in immense worldwide sales and probably line Jim Sprott up for a Nobel Prize for Chemistry as the man who discovered a process which can make the internal combustion engine 12% more powerful than any other scientist who has ever lived.

I have spoken to scientists in New Zealand, USA, Australia and England to uncover the facts about Fuelstar and it is as fake as Father Christmas. All the details of my investigation into the device are here.


Copyright © Alan Charman