13 November 2013

Speaking of hoisted on one's own petard, I am delighted to see justice finally done in the horrible Guy Hallwright saga.

The district court let him off with a slap on the wrist with a wet bus ticket for crippling Sung Jin Kim - $20,000 reparation and 250 hours' community service.

What has cost Hallwright, however, is his former employer sacking him. They rightly fired him when he was found guilty, figuring that a highly reputable firm like theirs would be tainted if they were known to have continued employing a convicted piece of filth.

Right through the employment process, Forsyth Barr have stood beside their decision - through mediation, the Employment Tribunal, right up to Employment Court, as Hallwright has fought for his job.

The saga was finally closed yesterday, at an estimated cost of $200,000 to Hallwright, since he's using a high-profile lawyer to argue his case. With the verdict supporting Forsyth Barr, Hallwright has done the lot, and I hope the court imposes Forsyth Barr's costs as well.

Not only vilified by a public that has seen the man's true colours, he has now made himself unemployable. If he had just STFU and walked away with his tail between his legs, almost everyone would have forgotten who the hell he is by now. Instead, he has ensured that his face and name remain at the forefront of minds.

Well played, Guy!


Copyright © Alan Charman