28 June 2012

The final chapter, it appears has been played in the Kim Dotcom saga today, and it with it, I breathe an enormous sigh of relief.

New Zealand courts have shown that while they may screw up occasionally, they are still utterly independent of the government and police.

The judgement today, ruling that the search and seizure of Dotcom's assets was illegal is a triumph for justice. The NZ Police and government come out stinking like a month-dead cow, having dived in so fast to do America's bidding that nobody bothered making sure they got the legal details right.

Bravo, Justice Winkelman!

I'm hoping Kim has a bottle he can crack to celebrate this massive victory. As a result of the mess the police and FBI have created for themselves, the evidence has been gained illegally and is therefore completely invalid and cannot be produced in court.


23 March 2012

Kim Dotcom again.

I know Gary Gotlieb, QC, is paid to say this stuff, but his comment in the High Court at Auckland yesterday is accurate to a fault:

''Someone else in the world will be doing it, and simply to bend towards business interests in America, which is really what it's about, kowtowing to business interests in America, I would have thought would not sit comfortably with many New Zealanders.''

It sure as hell doesn't sit well with this one!


Predictably, as you can read in the same article, the USA's lawyer, Anne Toohey, of Crown Law, says that suggestions of pressure are unfounded.

This is such a blatant lie I wonder she doesn't get her bottom smacked for lying to a judge!

The dear old New Zealand police, for whom an assignment of a dozen officers for a gang raid is a big operation, are somehow supposed to have decided all on their own that they needed to hit Kim Dotcom's house like Steven Segal and a team of testosterone-junkies?

Piss off!

Operation Ark, one of New Zealand's largest-ever police operations, required 200 cops to raid 45 gang and drug-related houses, an average of fewer than five cops per house. Operation Ark was also the culmination of six months' undercover and intelligence work by the police. The people arrested were involved in an immense drug syndicate and many of the people to be arrested were known to be armed and highly bloody dangerous. These guys are going to the slammer for years, killing someone getting away wouldn't stop them, so the cops go in prepared and aware that they are putting their lives in danger.

Do note the number of cops per property of this drug raid again - fewer than five.

Compare that with the police operation to arrest Kim Dotcom.

Seventy police, including two helicopters.

To arrest one bloke at home with his heavily-pregnant wife. One bloke who was wanted for the heinous crime of copyright breach.

Kim Dotcom has no record of violence, and is clearly not a threat to anyone. He is not a murderer, a gunman or gangster, yet a force of seventy cops was assembled in no time.

There is no way the NZ Police would have dreamt up the attack on Dotcom's mansion without some serious pressure from Uncle Sam. The Commissioner would have taken direction from the Crown, which just happens to be the Crown Law office, in this instance.

Accordingly, I am quite happy to state categorically that Anne Toohey is a liar. Pressure was brought to bear, either on her, or Obama's best pal, Johnny Key, by the United States' Government. She even gives herself away when she notes that arresting people on behalf of other governments is quite routine. That being the case, and considering some of those arrested are wanted for murder or other violent crimes, it proves that pressure was involved, or the SEAL-team airborne attack on Kim Dotcom's house would not have happened.

Like everything else in the case so far, Anne Toohey's statements in court are just opera of the bizarre.


18 March 2012

Yet again, the NZ Justice system exposes its two faces - the one which is slavishly devoted to doing whatever the US Government asks, and the other one, which is still committed to actual justice.

The Kim Dotcom saga took a surprising new twist on Friday, with Judge Judith Potter announcing that the original documents served in court in respect of seizure of Kim's assets, was wrong!

The Crown Law office and the NZ Commissioner of Police both got it wrong, using the wrong document.

If any more evidence of the Mickey Mouse way this has been handled by NZ Police and Crown Law, this is the crowing glory. So eager to please some US FBI or State Department lackey that they didn't even check the document properly.

The finger must also be pointed - and maybe more angrily - at the poor judge who allowed the original documents to pass muster. They should have been thrown out when they were first presented, leaving the cops their helicopters and butch gear at home.


Copyright © Alan Charman