11 February

People who join gangs are filth - that much should be so obvious I needn't point it out, but if you ever in doubt, read the horrific story of a Mongrel Mob-owned prostitute being killed in Christchurch.

The only thing worthy of comment in the whole story is the stupidity of the gang members.

They gave Nazi salutes and shouted out "Seig Heil".

They think being a Nazi signifies toughness, when what it actually does is promote white race purity, hatred of any person who is not pure white, and instant death for black & brown people. Among the ten million or so people the Nazis killed in WWII, black people were usually just given a bullet. Even mixed-race children were taken away and sterilised so as not to let their impure blood mix with the white Nazi blood.

Highly commendable that the Mongrel Mob sees them as their heroes.


Copyright © Alan Charman