30 November 2013

The Real Estate Agency Disputes Tribunal again!

This stuff is pure gold, as the READT just keeps on shitting all over house buyers while protecting its own.

Here it is, read 'em & weep.

How could not love a body that is so utterly determined to protect those it is supposed to be disciplining? In this case, the READT has accepted that the agent was in the wrong, costing the buyer fifteen grand, so of course it was inevitable that the fine of $6000 would be reduced.

The only amazing thing is that they actually fined the agent a whole grand! He must feel awfully hard done by when his peers have only copped $750.

Naughty, naughty agent - I bet that stops him.

19 November 2013

And yet another brilliant piece of discipline from my favourite legislated body, the Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal.

Fined a whopping $750, that will teach Bruce England a lesson!

I must confess to struggling to figure out what would cause the READT to actually take away someone's real estate licence. Lying about the property won't do it, ripping people off of $300,000 clearly won't do it.... is there actually a crime that an agent could commit and be forced to hand over his/her licence?


Copyright © Alan Charman