June 2010

Now, I'm really angry.

I watched with dismay as the killer of Ronald Brown was allowed to claim an alleged homosexual advance as "provocation" in defence of murder, ensuring Ferdinand Ambach was only sentenced to ten years instead of life.

I watched with deeper dismay as a manifestly inadequate sentence was handed down to Justin Goldstone, who shot and killed his girlfriend in the face during a photo shoot, all because he was too pissed/stoned/wasted to recall loading the shotgun only two hours beforehand.

Dismay doesn't even begin to get close to my feelings of disgust at "Justice" Judith Potter as she sentences the killer of Hawea Vercoe to a pathetically paltry two years and ten months in jail.

Putting "Justice" in as a title of an ignorant, out-of-touch judge like Judith Potter becomes a sick joke when one realises that Hawea Vercoe's killer has been sentenced to less than 75% of the time the ASB fraudster, Steven Versalko, was ordered to be incarcerated for. Versalko cost a huge organisation some $18m, but nobody died as a result of his actions.

Isaiah Tai, on the other hand, punched Hawea Vercoe once in the head, causing him to fall and strike his head on the footpath. Had it ended there, there would indeed be a case for manslaughter and a lighter sentence, but Isaiah Tai did not stop there; he proceeded to kick the prone Hawea Vercoe in the head with deadly force, and even the autopsy could not conclude whether it was the accidental striking of the ground, or the deliberate kick that killed him.

Not that that matters, as the kick to the head proves deadly intent; this was clearly a case where the maximum sentence should have been applied.

"Justice" Potter is clearly a woman who is past her use-by date and needs to be relieved of her duties - she is an idiot of the first order.

In Vercoe, we had a man who was a natural leader, helping young and at-risk people.

In Potter, we have a ditzy old bitch who has been sucked into believing that a drunken bum did not mean harm, despite kicking a man who was clearly down and out.

In Tai, we have a piece of vile and violent filth who will back in a town near you sometime in 2011.


Copyright © Alan Charman