6 April 2014

And from the "Sick to death of this shit" files comes the waste of space Pita Sharples' leaving gift to Maori - $73,000,000 of public money. I don't care who looks after the money, or whether it all gets spent on Uncle Hori's 80th birthday party, lent to the CEO or divvied up among the iwi - the amount is a fraction of what the government wastes each year anyway.

The real problem is Sharples' (shouldn't that be Bluntles?) attitude that if you argue with him you're a racist.

Utter crap, Pita, but it'll play well to the few voters you have left. Isn't it odd how Hone Harawira, the Mongrel Mob MP is starting to look more moderate every day.



Copyright © Alan Charman