25 May 2013

One of my favourite targets for derision in the past few years has been Ken Pedlar, erstwhile inventor of many gadgets. None of which actually work.

While he's too stupid to understand physics, Ken is a master at sensing people's greed and has issued several illegal prospectuses seeking money to produce his gadgets. No surprise that not a single one of them has ever been produced.

Ken Pedlar has been the subject of multiple warnings from the Securities Commission for issuing unregistered - and therefore illegal - prospectuses, but he has always managed to avoid being arrested for his fraudulent dealings.

On the other side, however, Pedlar has scammed several million dollars from the good folk of NZ who have given the bloke a go, thinking that maybe another Kiwi is about to embark on the kind of success shared by many companies in the past. (around $16-20 million at last count) I have spoken to many people who have "invested" several thousand dollars in Ken's schemes, only to see their money sucked into the ever-widening maw of Ken's international lifestyle.

For over 20 years, Ken Pedlar has been creating new companies, seeking more greedy fools to invest in his scams and generally staying completely out of the eye. He is not listed in the telephone book, his address is a secret, and shareholdings in his companies are held in false or relatives' names.

I have been trying to find out where the money has gone, why he won't contact all the hundreds of people who are looking for him, and also trying to stop him scamming more, At least the last part is working, with all of the Google results on "Ken Pedlar" showing him to be a merciless con-man.

I have been conversing with Ken for some time on a forum where he can retain his anonymity and seclusion, and it is only this morning that he came out with the most blatant piece of treachery I have yet seen by a con-man.

When laughing off the loss of up to $20 million of investment money, Ken came out with this statement about people trying to find him: "I bet they are all less than $10K investors too, that would be my guess anyway, usually it is the small mouse that does the squeaking."

This arrogance is breathtaking in its scope. Pedlar has blatantly ripped hundreds and hundreds of people off and manages to laugh at people who only gave him under ten grand as mice. Ken, you revolting piece of human excrement, to some people in this country ten grand is a lifetime's worth of savings and you are laughing in their faces for having used their money to enable you to fly around the world and pretend you are something other than a piece of shit dressed up in a suit.

I used to find it somewhat amusing that people were stupid enough to give you money for perpetual motions that weren't, petrol-saving devices that didn't and flying machines that don't, but this latest outburst is the mark of a true piece of scamming scum. Not a shred of remorse that he has stolen money off little old ladies hoping to turn their ten grand into hundreds of grand, not a single apology that while these people have been been eating baked beans he has been living the high life overseas.

The only ray of light in the whole sordid story is that with the rise of the internet, people can now do their own research and learn that Ken Pedlar is a thieving, scamming, unrepentant scumbag. There is some irony in the fact that Ken claims to be a christian.

When you read this, Ken, I hope your brain explodes with wrath at being unable to refute a single word now that you have shown your true colours.

Ken Pedlar, one of New Zealand's worst con-men and liars.


Copyright © Alan Charman