What a year in prospect!

At the start of 2016, nobody seriously believed UK would Brexit, or that Trump would be voted President, yet both happened.

So, what does 2017 and beyond have in store?

From a local perspective, probably not too many problems - Bill English has delivered an impressive start, his cabinet is settled and coming after Mr Useless-Photo-op, Bill's pragmatism might just be what the country needs. Given Andrew Little's continual inability to be noticed, Bill English taking over is probably the best chance we have.

The rest of the world, however, does not have such a bright outlook.

USA has taken the unique step of voting the biggest bully in the country to hold the nuke codes. This is highly dangerous, because Trump has proven himself to be a coward of the lowest form by mocking a disabled reporter and a beauty queen who gained a few pounds. "Check out her disgusting porno!" screamed Trump, completely and conveniently failing to remember that only one of the two of them had actually made a porno movie.

And it wasn't her.

Trump has pissed China off as much as he has kissed Putin's arse. In fact, as of today, 19 January, he's pissed off China even more again. Clearly Donald wants to provoke them, although it beggars belief to think there's a reason why - aside from him being a bully and needing someone to pick on.

This all happens against a backdrop of the highest number of refugees in human history and a climate which has now warmed almost all of the way to the 1.5 degrees increase Pairs is trying to avoid.

It must truly be the most interesting time to be alive - the world is poised in a state it hasn't been in for a century: right wing xenophobe bullies ruling the strongest countries, and with 95% of the world's nuiclear arsenal between USA & Russia, they are unchallengeable.

Enjoy the rest of the year - I'll be too busy to worry about it.


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