Colour Me Disgusted: Stupid Old Farts


Jokes about old people - especially old white blokes - are now officially exempt from claims of ageism, racism , or any other -ism, because we now have definitive proof that older white people are just selfish, bigoted shits.

Transgender rights: who's leading the charge to stop trans people using the bathroom they want to use? Old people.

Who stopped Auckland City introducing new rules to help solve the housing crisis? Old people.

Which age demographic is by far the most homophobic? You guessed it.

Which age group is by far the strongest deniers of global warming? Do you really need me to tell you?

These people aren't much older than me, but they're a universe away in attitude.

What I'd like to know is, when did all these revolting old scroats lose their sense of fairness and their balls. These people were the very ones who protested against oppression and war, but now, they're the strongest proponents of oppression and war.

Why do they become so self-centred and wilfully ignorant?

It makes no sense. Allowing trans people to use a girl's bathroom infringes on none of their rights, costs them no money, and is unlikely to lead to them catching transgenderism, supporting measures that help the climate won't cost them their life savings, and even worse, making and supporting those changes will lead to better and healthier lives for their grandchildren.

The same can be said for Auckland. These old curmudgeons whose dicks have shrivelled might lose a little bit of their precious view, but they would also be securing the future for their own offspring, so it's completely counter-intuitive.

The deepest irony is that these same disgustingly selfish old scum are the first to point their gnarled fingers at millennials as being lazy and vulgar.

I say the opposite. Millennials are vastly more likely to support human rights for all, be proudly pro-gay and pro-trans, be active against climate change, spurning cars and other methods of mass pollution, and they are unfailingly anti-war and anti-poverty.

If ever there were a time to make a case for people over the age of 60 to be involuntarily euthanised, it's right now.

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